Analyzing : watercolour "a citizen" from 1848/65
Context: 1848 is the date of the abolition of slavery in the French colonies. On Reunion Island, the abolition decree, voted in April in Paris, only came into force on 20 December 1848. The commissioner sent by the government of the Second Republic, Sarda Garriga, obtained from the slave workers that they wait until the end of the sugar cane harvest period!
In this watercolour by Hippolyte Charles...
Analyse : aquarel "een burger" uit 1848/65
Context: 1848 is de datum van de afschaffing van de slavernij in de Franse koloniën. Op het eiland Réunion is het decreet tot afschaffing, dat in april in Parijs was gestemd, pas op 20 december 1848 in werking getreden. De door de regering van de Tweede Republiek gezonden commissaris, Sarda Garriga, verkreeg van de slavenarbeiders dat zij zouden wachten tot het einde van de oogstperiode van het suikerriet!
Hippolyte Charles Napoléon Mortier, Hertog van Treviso
Als u verder leest, zult u gemerkt hebben dat wij vaak één kunstenaar in het bijzonder noemen: Hippolyte Charles Napoleon Mortier de Treviso (link in het Frans).
Wij willen u graag nader kennis laten maken met het werk van deze man, want dankzij zijn tekeningen en aquarellen beschikken wij over iconografische documenten die als uitgangspunt dienden voor ons project.
De 105 aquarellen...
Hippolyte Charles Napoléon Mortier, the Duke of Trévise
As you read this, you will have noticed that we often mention one artist in particular: Hippolyte Charles Napoleon Mortier de Trevise (link in French).
We would like to introduce you to this man's work in more detail, because thanks to his drawings and watercolours, we have iconographic documents that served as a starting point for our project.
The 105 watercolours and drawings of Hippolyte...
Jamali, sugarcane's Guard, 1861
Discovering the "cafre" guards
The man
Jamali pictured here is a "cafre".
This word comes from the Arabic "kafir", meaning infidel, i.e. non-Muslim.
Note his imposing build, his sharp spear to defend the fields or the huts, and the watchful look of the guard who watches for possible dangers from a higher point.
The Lamb, Malagasy loincloth ?
The cloth that envelops it is a loincloth,...
Reconstitution of the Citizen's costume
1rst part : the research
The citizen
Let us return to this watercolour by Hippolyte Charles Napoléon Mortier, the Duke of Trevise, of which we have already given a detailed description in the article A citizen of 1848, which we urge you to read before continuing with this article.
Opposite, the watercolour by Mortier de Trévise depicts a man whose clothing is a certain "paradox" (as described in the...
Reconstructie van het cafrinekostuum
Deel 1: Onderzoek
Een cafrine & haar kindje
Met trots presenteren we ons nieuwste historische reconstructieproject, gebaseerd op deze aquarel van Charles Hippolyte Napoléon, Markies van Trévise, uit 1861.
Om er zeker van te zijn dat je geen informatie mist, volgt hier een artikel over deze figuur, Hippolyte Charles Napoléon Mortier van Treviso, die een naaste medewerker was aan het hof van Napoléon...
Reenactment of the Cafrine's costume
Part 1: Research
A cafrine & her baby
We are proud to present our latest historical re-enactment project, based on this watercolour of Charles Hippolyte Napoléon Mortier de Trévise, dating from 1861.
To make sure you don't miss out on any information, here is an article about this character, Hippolyte Charles Napoléon Mortier of Trevise, who was a close associate of the court of Napoléon III.
Reconstruction of the Citizen's costume
Part 3: Conclusion
The Citizen
For those of you who arrive along the way, I warmly recommend you to read some articles in order to have all the elements about this man, named "the Citizen" on this watercolour by Mortier de Trévise, namely
the description of A citizen of 1848,
then Reconstitution of the Citizen's costume - 1rst part : the research
and finally Reconstruction of the Citizen's costume...
Analyse : Aquarelle "un Citoyen" de 1848/65
Contexte : 1848, c'est la date de l'abolition de l'esclavage dans les colonies françaises. A l'île de La Réunion, le décret d'abolition, voté en avril à Paris, entre en application seulement le 20 décembre 1848. Le commissaire envoyé par le gouvernement de la deuxième République, Sarda Garriga, a en effet obtenu des travailleurs esclaves qu'ils patientent jusqu'à la fin de la période de la coupe de la...
Victorine's "saisie"
This watercolour by Hippolyte Charles Napoléon Mortier, the Duke of Trevise depicting the 'nénène' ('nanny' in Creole) named Victorine, was discussed in an earlier article.
One detail, however, deserves an article of its own: the "saisie" on which Victorine is sitting.
What, then, is a "saisie" ?
A "saisie"
The detail of this watercolour, preserved in the Archives Départementales de La Réunion (reference 40FI52),...