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A discovery in Provence

A discovery in Provence Although my origins aren't particularly important in terms of my active participation in this project, they are more important for this article. I was born in Avignon, a town close to where I grew up, but also in Gordes, where I spent my school holidays, so I'm what you might call 'Provençal', and more broadly 'Mediterranean'. When you say the word 'Provence', you imagine fields of lavender, cicadas, summer heat......

Industrial Globalization & the Indian Indentured Labour of the 19th Century

Industrial Globalization & the Indian Indentured Labour of the 19th Century The Industrial Revolution unleashed contradictory forces in the 19th century. On one hand, it necessitated intercontinental mass labour transit. On the other, and in combination with the French Revolution, it sounded the death knell for slave labour, the very basis of plantation prosperity. Indentured labour emerged to replace slaves. The lure of...

Industriële globalisering en de Indiase contractarbeid van de 19e eeuw

Industriële globalisering en Indiase dwangarbeid in de 19e eeuw De Industriële Revolutie ontketende tegenstrijdige krachten in de 19e eeuw. Aan de ene kant maakte ze een intercontinentaal massavervoer van arbeidskrachten noodzakelijk. Aan de andere kant, en in combinatie met de Franse Revolutie, luidde ze de doodsklok voor slavenarbeid, de basis van de welvaart op plantages. De slaven werden vervangen door contractarbeiders....